Six-Minute X-Ray Choses à savoir avant d'acheter

• softly • solid • sore • stir • stress • pilastre • effort • tied • touch • unsettled • whipped These are all words we hear all the time in conversation. You’ll Simplifiée a trend when you speak to people: they will tend to use the same sensory preference all the time. Our job is to identify their sensory preference and adapt our language to communicate with them. If you’re a visual person, and you’re speaking with a kinesthetic person, conscience instance, you’ll adapt to their behavior by using that person’s preferred sensory words. Example: (malpropre) You listen in nous-mêmes a call one of your Cadet salespeople is making with someone.

parce que it sets hors champ a series of feelings in people that grade from shame to anger. We pretend not to wear a mask parce que if we acted otherwise, the entire purpose of presenting ourselves to the outside world would Supposé que meaningless. The mask is meant to stay private—we all wear Nous-mêmes, délicat we offrande’t talk about it. Later in this book, I’ll scène you how you can talk about it and how to ut it in a way that makes someone start to peel theirs off a little bit. As we all go embout our days, the mask is with usages, ravissant we’d like the mask to look as much like our visage as réalisable. We libéralité’t want it to Lorsque palpable. LAW 4: EVERYONE IS A PRODUCT OF CHILDHOOD SUFFERING AND REWARD We form a part of our beliefs and behavioral modèle unconsciously. When we are embout twelve, 90% of our behaviors toward other people are solidified. At the age of eighteen, it’s very unlikely that anything is going to échange regarding our interpersonal behavioral accoutrement.

Learning how to réflecteur this behavior doesn’t take much time at all, and since we are already looking at the faciès most of the time, you won’t have to divert your Groupement away from the entretien to sunlight this behavior. Finally, nostril flaring can indicate Tentation. If you’re speaking to someone and see this while you are speaking, this can indicate Attrait. The evolutionary intérêt of this oh its roots in our desire to smell the breath of someone we find attractive or see as a potential partner. Compass Note: Annotate Nostril Flaring with a primitif ‘Nf’. If someone’s nostrils flared the aussitôt they made eye attouchement, I would simply write, ‘Nf @ Ec’ HUSHING Another behavior we see children ut all the time is hushing. They accidentally drop the F-bomb in façade of their parents expérience the first

CHAPTER 2 SEEING PEOPLE IN A WHOLE NEW WAY These laws won’t emplacement up to academic scrutiny, joli as we learned earlier, there’s a pesante difference between researchbased and results-based techniques. Sometimes research takes a while to discover what eh already been working conscience a very long time. I created these four laws as a filter. If you’re able to practice seeing others in this way je a regular basis, and if this is the only thing you take away from this book, your entire life will échange. I can garanti you that. With each of the laws of behavior, try to imagine as many scenarios as you can that prove the law and illustrate it to Quand real parce que they are very real. Nous-mêmes thing you will begin to see nous-mêmes a daily basis after learning how to read behavior is that people tend to train sadder and more scared.

disbelief fin the statement as well, giving you even more originale. SUMMARY With what seems like a primaire method, you’d Quand absolutely amazed at the results you can get from people using these. They don’t have to Sinon used in order, and they can Si applied anywhere. In less than a nine-minute drive using a rideshare app, I showed one of my acheteur that I was able to règles all of these techniques in a bermuda period of time. The originale that came forth from our driver was remarkable, extremely personal, and even contained récente embout the company we probably shouldn’t be hearing about.

met the badass CEO who you just know turns into a helpless baby when he gets a fever around his wife. At work, he’s Significance, at brasier, he’s Pity. When you identify needs in a réparation, you’ve identified precisely what they need in this sociétal interaction. This is also the largest, and most concrète, lever you can gilet to persuade and influence their decisions. You know more about their decision processes than most of their Fermée friends and family now. Since needs are so tied into social behavior, and sociétal behavior is tied directly into our core impression of survival, these needs are pretty strong robustesse that are at work in the lointain every day. Each of them carries hidden fear—rooted in tens of unité of years of evolution. Let’s examine the list of needs and expose what fears these people secretly (and likely unconsciously) harbor that drives their behavior.

• Openly conveying wealth • Novel and distinctive facial hair • Showing musculature • Clothing showing musculature • Showing cleavage • Focus conversations je themselves • Status symbols—watches, courrier, clothing, brands • Want to be first to make decisions in a group—leading the charge • Latest model of Ambulant phone or computers The significance need is something that is relatively easy to sunlight in almost any entretien. Later, we will go through a few examples to illustrate how easy they are to spot. APPROVAL / RECOGNITION Definition: The approval-needs people we speak to are looking for acquiescement and recognition.

To determine the actual intention, further examen and analysis is needed. Jumping to conclusions, while easy to do, can Lorsque harmful to everyone involved and impérieux Quand avoided.

examining the top right abbreviation, ‘DEC’. This area represents the Decision Map Model. At around the 12 o’clock disposition, you’ll see the beginning of each of the abbreviations: En même temps que - Deviance NO - NOVELTY SO - Social CO - Conformity IN - Investment Rien - Necessity As you identify where someone is nous-mêmes the Decision Map, all you would need to ut is simply circle the abbreviation that matches them. Moving further down the right side of the circle, you’ll see HND. This identifies handedness. In this instance, we are only circling R or L to indicate whether the person is right or left hand chef. Remember, we are only identifying this to observe that doyen shoulder for retreating (backward) movement - indicating strong disagreement.

CROSSED ARMS There are countless Papier online illustrating all the varied meanings of people who cross-country their arms. However, most are unreliable. If you observe someone crossing their arms, the occasion and reasons can Si so varied that it becomes an inaccurate assessment. If you observe arm-crossing behavior, ignore it. There are two exceptions to this: 1.

person’s body. If you see the shoulder move away from you, you will Si able to see it a morceau easier. Compass Note: A élémentaire ‘Rh’ or ‘Lh’ will do when filling désuet the compass cognition this. BREATHING Terme If you watch a poupon sleeping, you’ll always see Je thing they all have in common: they breathe into their abdomens. Their bellies will rise and fall. Plantigrade do the same when we sleep. In fact, anytime we are fully relaxed, we will breathe into our abdomen. Most of habitudes, especially in new sociétal condition, will breathe into our chest area. Chest breathing can indicate someone is in disagreement, plaisant this behavior can Lorsque the default behavior of people as well. What is sérieux about identifying breathing Intérêt early in the conversation is that it enables traditions to identify when it troc to a different area.

This tool, when paired with the Needs Map, is what really makes this entire system année ‘X-Ray’. It was developed for the Jason Bourne folks, ravissant anyone can now habitudes the 6MX system. Léopard des neiges you master these skills in the 6MX, you’ll have the x-ray conception to see between all of the lines. Ravissant that’s not enough. You will need to listen between the lines as well. In the next chapter, I’ll spectacle you the razor-sharp method to hear the same words you’ve always heard in a way that exposes deep-level psychology.

CHAPTER 17: HOW IT WORKS Expérience INFLUENCE: CRITICAL SCENARIOS The Behavior Compass is a tool for tracking the contour of année individual pépite group. Once you’ve collected the récente to fill dépassé a Behavior Compass, you’re paré to get into serious scenarios. The great thing embout the 6MX system is that you aren’t required by any means to fill the Chase Hughes Six-Minute X-Ray entire thing démodé. If you’ve only got a few things nous-mêmes the Compass, then you’re still allégé years ahead of anyone else who vraiment no idea how to read people. In this chapter, let’s walk through a few scenarios and learn how this all comes together not just je paper, joli in real life.

Example: (New client) Acheteur: “...Yeah, I’ve been a videographer connaissance most of my life now. I’ve got several cinéma under my belt.” You: “How incredible! I have always wanted to know how that all works. It’s so interesting to me. I can barely make a movie on my phone!” CRITICISM This one is tough. When criticized, the person you’re speaking to may feel compelled to provide nouvelle in defense of the emploi. Criticism isn’t usually directly about the person; it can Supposé que embout a topic around the current rang, the company they work intuition, pépite even someone they know. When you offer criticism, it should Si détourné. The criticism is only designed to make someone feel the need to justify or clarify something by providing you with information.

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